The NBA Top Shot Deal Finder helps you identify Moments with the biggest price gaps between the highest Current Offer and the Floor Price or Average Sale Price. The tool calculates these differences as a percentage, relative to the Floor or Average Sale Price. Generally, the larger the gap, the better the potential deal.
Beyond spotting value, this tool also mimics how bots like "greatestpiratehunter" operate. By bookmarking this page and consistently making offers, you increase your chances of outpacing automated buyers.
How to Use:
Sort data by clicking column headings. Sorting by "Price Avg Offer Diff %" or "Price Offer Diff %" (highest to lowest) will surface the best deals.
The Suggested Offer Price is optional and serves as a general benchmark, calculated as roughly 67% of the Floor Price or Average Sale Price, whichever is lower. If the current high offer already exceeds this amount, the suggested price increases by $1.
This 67% threshold is where "greatestpiratehunter" typically starts ignoring offers.
Click "Suggested Offer" to place an offer—you can adjust the amount freely, but keep in mind that lower bids may not beat the bot.
Video Instructions/Tutorial:
Note: The data refreshes every ~6 hours, so some listings may no longer be up-to-date.